Thursday, March 5, 2009

daily reflection-March 5, 2009-A turn of events...

Today was an interesting day kind of.First of all, the weather was completely crappy compared to the last few days of nice warm weather.Second....this is some good news ........I was recently contacted today by a former classmate who was in my class from the fourth grade up until the seventh grade.This one is really quite the turn of events.The person I am referring to used to not really be too fond of me during the middle school years. Today she contacted me and apologized for what happened back then.We corresponded about how things have changed over the years and chatted.I am not one who holds grudges......a grudge to me is nothing more than a burden and bitterness over the past only causes further pain.......If you forgive someone who wronged you in the past or if you apologize for your own shall carry no burden and you shall actually gain more than you would lose.There is nothing to lose if you hold a burden and you can let that burden go by not holding grudges and forgiving and apologizing.And to make things even better, the person I am talking about is pro-life and conservative.Suprises such is this are one of the best things that can happen.We are now friends and things have surely changed and as far as hope and change goes, ......this is HOPE AND CHANGE......and the rhetoric spewed by NoBama is just rhetoric....If NoBama really wants to see hope and change...all he has to do is read this blog entry and tell his supporters to stop whining over past wrongs.

Thank you everyone and all the Best.....

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