Thursday, December 10, 2009


On human rights day, the world is supposed to be commemorating the introduction of basic human rights such as the right to free speech, freedom of the press, and the right to exist, HOWEVER, this has been overshadowed and distorted by the Canadian Human Rights Commissions.These commissions have perverted the word human rights to serve their own agenda of coercion, censorship, and lack of due process.These are kangaroo courts designed to do the exact opposite of what human rights are supposed to be.Since when did the right to not be offended by free speech over ride that said right to freedom of expression?Only select groups are given any rights by these commissions...if you are a white conservative, you have NO rights.Your right to free expression and such is stripped from you and you are hauled before these star chambers for offending the protected groups.The right of today did NOT ruin or take away human rights, the HRCs did, and they used the name "human rights" to push their agenda with little or no opposition.Gone are the days of freedom of expression and free press...all thanks to our glorious human rights commissions.
As citizens, we must restore human rights by fighting for free speech and freedom of the press...without these, the rest of our rights will be taken away, with little or no opposition.The right to free speech is one of the main pillars that allows a citizen to defend all of their rights.We must push for the abolition of section 13 of the human rights act, otherwise, what rights will we have a few years down the road?

Monday, November 2, 2009


I haven't been posting much here lately, due to my busy schedule as well as me forgetting to post when I do have time..I should make it a habit to post more often...Im a pretty forgetful person at times....although most of the time, it seems I forget my cup of coffee in the wierdest of places.I seem to procrastinate when it comes to my blog...If I dont post in a long time, its not because I abandoned my blog...its because i forgot to post or i procrastinated in posting...
On another note, i have a webcam now, so stay tuned for possible videos:D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Please pray for my dad...his back is causing him trouble again

A week ago, my Dad was supposed to head up to Fort McMurray for work (hes doing sheet metal since there is no work in the oilpatch).I had learned a few days ago, he wasn't able to since his back started giving him problems again.His back has been on and off since he fell down a hole while on a rig site 10 years ago.The problem is in his lower back.I am praying for his recovery and hoping the physiotherapy helps.Hes on painkillers and this weekend he was barely even able to walk.They were supposed to come down to Red Deer to see me this weekend but couldn't because of my dad's back

Honest to FN Christ!!

What a suprise!My biological mother had the opportunity to see me for the first time in 21 years or so but passed it off so they can all go see some old friends in Saskatchewan.I even offered to pay the difference in gas, but they still declined!Honest ot FN Christ....I guess friends you just havent seen in a few months or a year or so, are more important and take priority over your own damn kid you haven't seen in 21 years!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

If it's ok to fly jetliners into office towers then........

I work as a courtesy clerk at a local store here in Central Alberta.Things have been going well until..........

I had to retrieve an order from a till after 2 ladies' debit card had declined.They left, and I put their cart by the customer service desk with the anticipation that they would come back for it once they get their money situation straightened out.I told the person at the desk when I put it there that they customers were going to come back later and pay for their declined order

Later on, I passed the customer service desk, and the cart was gone.I thought from then on that they came and paid for it or that the items were put in my putaway bins.

I was then approached by a supervisor later on and asked about the cart of items.I told them what I knew as of so far.I was then later asked by the department manager.I stated truthfully to both of them what I knew.

Apparently they DID return for their items, but they grabbed them, and left WITHOUT PAYING for them.

I gave a description of the two ladies as follows to the department manager.They seem to be mother and daughter, but here goes the description.....

the mother

about five foot four
wearing a bright coloured hijab with flowers
tan skinned (arab)

The daughter.

about five foot two
wearing the same colour and type of hijab
tan skinned (arab)

I would have thought that Islam forbade theft, but then again, .....

If it's ok to fly commercial jetliners into New York office towers, then it's ok to steal a cart of items from a grocery store.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A real Whiner here.....

Jobless College Grad Wants Tuition Back From Alma Mater

Read the article by clicking the link

Many in the older generations refer to my generation as "Generation WYne and say we are all a bunch of crybabies who think we are entitled to our entitlements.They also say we are snobby and rude................I DONT BLAME THEM!!!!!!!
Even if I keep getting the good grades I am in college, I would still like to keep my job as a courtesy clerk and work evenings at the store whilst working at a small law office during the day.I like work where I get exercise and where I actually have lots in common with the people I work with.I also prefer to work on my own.
It really irks me sometimes when everyone in my age group is p***d on because of some whiners that wreck it for the rest of us.I hold nothing against those who do look down upon those my fact, I don't blame them at all.As someone who went to school and grew up with them, I could tell you are right to look down upon Generation Yne.I don't consider myself to be a part of their grouping in a sense that I was always on the outside and never did fit in any of their little social cliques.I had worked since the age of 12, while they all got everything handed to them.I was bullied and ridiculed.I never did fit in.They always thought they were better than me.As a young kid, I always was wanting in..I was on the outside looking in.......Now, I no longer feel that way.....I am NOW on the outside looking AWAY.I'd rather jump head first into the Red Deer River than conform to their snobby ways and attitudes.I am proud to be an outcast from that least I don't have to bear the burden of guilt for their failings.Ill bet those who whine and sue their college because they can't find work without anyone holding their hands, are also the same ones who bullied people like me.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My cats back home in Vegreville


This is a video I made.I post as Tory_canuck on Free Dominion, and I post as RedEnsign1986 on Youtube.

Monday, July 13, 2009


The Queen will be awarding Former Prime Minister Jean Chretien a medal of Merit for his so-called services!!!!

Hmmm.......what an insult to those such as Albert Schweitzer and Mother Teresa!!!!

This can come as one of the top ways to diminish the honor of these people.....stick a liar and a theif on the honor list with them!!!

Just one question....How much do you have to lie and steal to get this medal????????

This comes down to being totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!Chretien should be rotting in a jail...NOT getting a medal!!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cant sleep...too stressed...

Holy crap, I am under alot of stress.....Can't sleep but am working on it with a bottle of Alberta Premium Rye Whiskey.So much on my mind...I just can't sleep, Im feeling pretty stressed and upset, and I feel like crap.So much happening...I am feeling quite overwhelmed and with the way things are with a special friend, most of that stress is worry.Hopefully, this mickey of rye will get me to sleep, cuz holy christ, I dont know what else there is to do...:-(

Morning Prayer for my friend in Winnipeg

These are prayers, I borrowed from FD, but they will work for now...It is technically the morning, so here is a morning prayer for GJS.

Morning Prayer for GJS

Baruch Hashem! Let us all say:
May the One who blessed our ancestors --
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah --
bless and heal the one who is ill: GJS, son of Abraham.
May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon him, to restore him, to heal him, to strengthen him, to enliven him.
The One will send him, speedily, a complete healing --
healing of the soul and healing of the body --
along with all the ill, among the people of Israel and all humankind, soon, speedily, without delay, and let us all say:
Amen! Amen!!

Please pray for a special friend

I have a friend in Winnipeg who may be experiencing difficulties.He said he wanted to take a break from chatting with a bunch of friends, and there were some chilling posts on his facebook wall...the first stating it was his last day with his car, then the second was that he was going to go to the hospital. The sudden urge to "take a break" from friends, the car post, and the hospital post scare me.I hope it is nothing too serious.He is a great guy and I care about him.He has gotten me through loneliness and was there to talk to me through hard times.I am not much of a big religion preacher, but I don't know where else to go....If I could magicaly help him I would, but I have no such powers, but God can.My friend hasnt said what was wrong...and the way things have turned out so scares the living crap outta me.Why is whatever is happening, happening to him?Someone once said, that people are a gift from God...this friend is one of the best gifts from God I ever got, and I am grateful and praise and thank God for that....

Evening Prayer for my friend in Winnipeg (GJS)

Baruch Hashem! Let us all say: May the One who blessed our ancestors --
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah -- bless and heal the one who is ill: GJS, son of Abraham. May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon him, to restore him, to heal him, to strengthen him, to enliven him. The One will send him, speedily, a complete healing -- healing of the soul and healing of the body -- along with all the ill, among the people of Israel and all humankind, soon, speedily, without delay, and let us all say: Amen! Amen!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Blast from the past......

This is an article I wrote for Free Dominion in the wake of all the censorship attacks taking place.This article was posted on January 10, 2008.

this link is the link to the thread on Free Dominion where I posted it.

The CHRC, the Charter, and the illusion of Free Speech


Many people in this country say they are proud of our nation and that free speech is present in Canada, however, they are only under an illusion created by the Charter. The true reality is….there is no real free speech in Canada…..only “progressive free speech”. If you are a Principled Conservative or anything other than a liberal, NDP, or any other progressive grouping… are a bigot, and under Canadian law, you are a thought criminal. Federal and Provincial governments unofficially recognize that….but just won’t admit it. Even the Conservative stronghold of Alberta is creeping toward socialism under the Stelmach Progressive Conservative Party.

Since the leadership election of Premier Ed Stelmach, the province of Alberta has found itself steering a hard left toward the ideology of a Trudeau style government .Ed Stelmach’s government has found itself under fire for various issues in relation to the boom as well as those held dear to social conservatives .Various Bills have been rammed through the legislator as well as many decisions rammed through by Stelmach in regards to party nominations and the premier’s recent veto against Craig Chandler’s appointment.

The Chandler affair has sent a ripple effect of chills down the spines of social conservatives and former grassroots of the progressive conservative party. The riding of Edgemont voted Chandler in as the candidate for their riding for the progressive conservative party of Alberta, but the decision was vetoed by the Stelmach leadership based on a ruling by the Alberta Human Rights Commission over remarks made by Boisson regarding homosexuals.

The Human Rights commission/Tribunal is currently under attack by free speech groups and conservative groups such as the owners of Free Dominion (Mark Fournier and Connie Fournier).Many of these groups consider the Human Rights Commission to be a Kangaroo Court. Unlike the courts that enforce the criminal code whereas the onus is on the prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant’s guilt, the CHRC puts the onus on the defendant to prove their innocence. Under the CHRC, the defendant is guilty until proven innocent. The defendant must also pay all expenses out of their own pocket, while the plaintiff’s expenses are paid for by the taxpayers.

The owners of Free Dominion have faced a Human Rights complaint themselves during the month of July, 2007, by Mary-Line Gentes, but after making it public, the complaint was dropped by Gentes,The complaint was made after she found a link posted by a known activist, William Whatcott, in relation to a flyer found to be offensive to the Islamic community in Ms.Gentes”opinion.The Human rights Commission has trampled upon the rights of many, including journalists like Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn.Many have not been in the Star Chamber to witness its abhorrent disregard for democracy and free speech, which are some of the many fundamentals of a free and democratic society. Without them, there is no real democracy….just an illusion created by the mainstream media (MSM), which is influenced by the left and the CHRC.The only ones who have been in the star chamber, are those who are being persecuted, the plaintiff, and the bureaucrats who run this stasi style quasi-judicial branch of the government, but this has all changed, thanks to Western Standard Publisher, Ezra Levant, who exposed the CHRC for what it truly is.

In Canada, democracy is only an illusion thanks to the CHRC’s thuggish style of trampling upon democracy. This must change, and can only do so, if people stand up against this organization of censors. The CHRC is the reason Canada is leaning towards being an totalitarian oligarchy state run by left wing elitists. Censorship is not needed to counter hate speech……….debate is. Hate Speech is stamped out more effectively through debate and rebuttal. Censorship only drives it underground and in many cases, innocent law abiding people are forced to host their speech outside of Canada. Free Dominion had to move its host server to Panama under Liberty News Service, in order to avoid further persecution by the star chamber. Free speech has left Canada,….and is no more unless you look beyond her borders .You can find Freedom of Speech hiding past the illusions, and over the horizon past the anti-speech CHRC blockade .It is only URL link and mouse click away .

Ezra Levant on CTV-Freedom of Speech fight

I know this is old, but I have been falling behind on the freedom of speech issue, so I am playing catchup.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Geert Wilders on the O'Reilly Factor (February 23, 2009) - Fitna Documentary

Good interview with Geert Wilders on the O'Reilly Factor (February 23, 2009)

A few good songs

Here's a few more favorite songs of mine...Ya, I know a few days ago, I posted my favorite George Strait songs, but I listen to and like ALL types of music....Anyways...enjoy!

Rise Against-Paper Wings

Rise Against-Blood to bleed

Rise Against-The good left undone

Thursday, March 5, 2009

daily reflection-March 5, 2009-A turn of events...

Today was an interesting day kind of.First of all, the weather was completely crappy compared to the last few days of nice warm weather.Second....this is some good news ........I was recently contacted today by a former classmate who was in my class from the fourth grade up until the seventh grade.This one is really quite the turn of events.The person I am referring to used to not really be too fond of me during the middle school years. Today she contacted me and apologized for what happened back then.We corresponded about how things have changed over the years and chatted.I am not one who holds grudges......a grudge to me is nothing more than a burden and bitterness over the past only causes further pain.......If you forgive someone who wronged you in the past or if you apologize for your own shall carry no burden and you shall actually gain more than you would lose.There is nothing to lose if you hold a burden and you can let that burden go by not holding grudges and forgiving and apologizing.And to make things even better, the person I am talking about is pro-life and conservative.Suprises such is this are one of the best things that can happen.We are now friends and things have surely changed and as far as hope and change goes, ......this is HOPE AND CHANGE......and the rhetoric spewed by NoBama is just rhetoric....If NoBama really wants to see hope and change...all he has to do is read this blog entry and tell his supporters to stop whining over past wrongs.

Thank you everyone and all the Best.....

BC Conservative Party selects candidate for Prince George-Valemount

I recieved this in an e-mail from someone directly involved in that campaign and was asked to post it a few days back, but absent mindely forgot to do so due to many other things on my mind at the time.So I apologize to the person who asked me to post it and I am posting it now.....I kinda guess its better late than never.

February 26, 2009


PRINCE GEORGE: BC Conservative Party Leader, Wilf
Hanni, announced today that Sean Ollech has been selected by the BC Conservative
Party as their Candidate for MLA in the Prince George-Valemount Constituency in
the May 12, 2009 General Election.

Sean Ollech is a long time
resident of Prince George, having lived in the Beaverley area since he was
3. He attended school at Beaverley Elementary, John McInnis Junior
Secondary, and finally graduated with his IB diploma at PGSS.

2007, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in History from the
University of Northern British Columbia.

Sean Ollech is a data
entry clerk who also owns his own tutoring business in Prince George.

Sean Ollech says that he will be running on a platform with three
major planks: Prolife, balanced budget and no carbon tax. “British Columbians,
particularly those in the North deserve a government that is representative of
their interests. If elected I promise that I will represent all my constituents
regardless of party affiliation. For too long decisions in this province have
been made from Vancouver for Vancouver.”

Sean Ollech believes that
serious upgrades in infrastructure are necessary in Northern British Columbia.
“I would like to see the construction of a pipeline from Alberta to Prince
Rupert, as well as the expansion of the Port of Prince Rupert. Prince George is
the transportation hub of the north, and I believe that both projects will not
only be cost effective, but also prove a considerable boon to the North as a

In addition to the pipeline, Sean Ollech promises that he
would vote in favour to repeal the Oil and Gas moratorium, passed by the NDP
party. “Newfoundland has had considerable success with Hibernia, as have the
United Kingdom and Norway. There is no reason why we shouldn't do the same in
British Columbia where the resources exist. It would provide considerable
employment not only in the primary industry, but also in secondary and tertiary
employment spun off from the project.”

Sean Ollech believes
that BC has a very promising future and that under effective management, the
province can succeed and thrive despite difficult economic conditions.

Wilf Hanni, Leader, BC
Conservative Party – (250) 426-9807
Gill Picard, Secretary, BC Conservative
Party – (866) 800-9025
Sean Ollech, Candidate for MLA, BC Conservative Party
– (250) 612-2286

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Reflection of the day....March 1,2009

Today was an interesting day.I got some sleep last night and was wide awake and full of energy today.I ventured out this morning in the explorer to go to the bank and get my rent money since the rent was due today.I pay 500 a month for rent and that includes cable, internet, washer and dryer, parking space, and a plug in for my explorer for when it gets really cold.Its a damn good deal and I have no issues paying for such.After I paid the rent, i headed to the superstore and got a few things....del monte sliced peaches, juice, steak, and some green tea and some honey.Then I drove around Red Deer which was also fun.I walked about downtown but went back to my vehicle after being creeped out by the vagrants lurking about.I am scared shitless of walking around downtown Red Deer in the evenings especially since the one time some creepy vagrant followed me and approached me aggressively and didnt clue in that I didnt want to talk to him. I dont want to be further than a block from my vehicle in the evenings in downtown Red Deer.I feel much safer in the college area since not too many vagrants hang around there.Tomorrow is my birthday and hopefully it will be a good day.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

some good songs....

Some good songs...quite relaxing.Enjoy with some rye and coke or a cold beer :-)

George Strait - Amarillo By Morning

George Strait - Heartland

George Strait - Troubadour

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

reflection....alot on my mind....

Tomorrow (Tues Feb 24), I have one more midterm left to go...Im kinda tired cuz i havent slept much at all , all week, and my stomach is running in circles and causin me grief from those hotsauce, jalepenos, cheese, ranch sauce, and fries I had today, but I still have some fight left in me for one more midterm, so for myself and my friends and family, Im gonna do my best and give em hell and pass this last midterm.I have overcome adversity many times before...and it has only made me stronger, tougher, and more determined.With the adversity thrown my way in the past, a midterm is a walk in the park.The more challenges come my way, the more determined and motivated I become, the more motivated I am, the more fight I have in me.The same goes for that Cortez-Peters typing's hard, but I am one hard assed stubborn redneck from rural Alberta....throw shit my way, and I fling it twice as hard. I am one who tries to figure out problems myself before asking for help..thats how a person learns.Independance is one thing that makes a good legal assistant.As a future legal assistant, I shall serve with honour and integrity. Duty, honour, and courage are only but a few elements that makes a person successful.Kindness and love and respect for one's neighbor, as well as faith in God, makes one whole.One must also forgive those who hurt them and move on.It is hard, I get angry and act upon my emotions at times, and sometimes that results in bitterness and hate.College, so far is challenging in many aspects.....socially,mentally, and physically.....but with the past hurdles I overcame to get here, I have a foundation to stand upon. These challenges, I hope, will make me a better legal assistant and a better person.My father once said, :before you judge or ridicule a person, walk a mile in their shoes".My father has also overcome alot of burdens himself.I look up to him as a good example and so far I am making progress.The kick ass sense of humour I inherited from him, also gives another tool in my arsenal to do well.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A well deserved break-Dad goes to Mexico

Hey.I know it has been a long time since I posted.To update this blog, please let me start off by doing a bit of catch up before I get to the original reason for this post.First off, I just completed most of my midterms and did really well on all of them.I am looking forward to going back to class after a long and boring reading week.
Anyways , I just got news that my father took a trip to Mexico to do some Marlin fishing.He never went on a holiday himself before because he was busy looking after the family. He has helped me get to where I am today, going to Red Deer College.He deserves this holiday.He has done alot for the family and is an example of what a father should be.I hope he enjoys his holiday and I hope he has fun.Lots to look forward to this year.School has been great and the news that my father finally got a well deserved holiday for himself makes things even better.Good for you Dad, Have fun!!:=)